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Kompāmija JUCO ir nodibināta 1958 gadā. Līdz šim momentam, izmantojot labākās tehnoloģijas, JUCO ražo vairāk nekā 500 profesionālo instrumentu nosaukumu .
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The activity of the company Kaufmann GmbH is parted in three fields: - the production of building tools in own development - the production of articles specified for customers in licence - the distribution of commodity articles in the section of building tools We have a development and design department with affiliated mould for punching, compression and aluminium die-casting tools. In our production hall you have aluminium die-casting machines, CNC-milling machines, compression and punching machines as well as an assembly department available. Laser cuts and surface treatments like galvanising our varnishing are finished by reliable partner located in our region. Currently we deliver to clients in more than 40 countries world-wide. We organise transport, choose the right packing and have high quality conditions for our products and service.
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The company was founded by Alfred Kleinbongartz and his brother-in-law Emil Kaiser in 1919, and today is still led as a partnership located in the family estate. The brand name KUKKO is derived from the initials of the founders. Today the name KUKKO is the synonym for pulling-tools all around the globe. The biggest worldwide product range which covers all possible problem formulations in industry, of trade and automobile companies, is the result of constantly innovative advancement in the tradition of the founders of the company. KUKKO articles are mentioned in the repair guides from e.g. Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, Seat, Skoda, DaimlerChrysler, BMW etc.
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KWADRO ceramika

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Качественный садовый инвентарь и товары для дома и Сада. Для садоводов- любителей и профессионалов в уходе за растениями, земли, травы и цветов.
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n Tuscany, we have traditions that survive through the centuries. They derive from our arts and crafts, technology and every aspect of human activity, and are achieved through a successful combination of creativity and experience. Our company is located in Certaldo, in the heart of Tuscany. It has been engineering and producing woodworking machinery since 1963. We began our business producing automatic feeders. Now, our range of products has widened to include radial arm saws and a line of multiple boring machines: technology for both handcrafts and industrial activities. The ramarkable quality of our machines, the reliability of our staff and the competence of our technicians have contributed to the success of Maggi Engineering all around the world, putting it between the first boring machines producers worldwide. We currently export 85% of our products to more than 80 countries, thanks to our efficiency and impeccable customer service. With a staff of more than 60 persons, Maggi Engineering is a well-structured company always on the move. We welcome the challenge of the new millennium, confident in the future by relying on our line of high-tech products.
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Unser Unternehmen ist stets bemüht, Produkte und Service auf höchstem Niveau anzubieten, um somit dem Kunden ein verläßlicher Partner in allen Handwerksfragen zu sein. In unserem Online-Shop haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ersatzteile zu Ihren erworbenen Produkten zu bestellen. Dadurch können Sie in kürzester Zeit wieder bohren, schrauben, hobeln, sägen oder schleifen.
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The collection offered by NAREX BYSTRICE s.r.o. is comprised of hand tools, consisting predominantly of screwdrivers and woodworking chisels. Ninety years of hand tool production has led to improvements in quality, through the use of superior materials, advanced heat treatment and also from the development of the tools’ design. The incoming raw material is checked carefully, to ensure that the output is a high quality product – a hand tool for a wide spectrum of craftsmen. Consistent monitoring of manufacturing processes and the final quality control inspection guarantee customers’ satisfaction. The quality of all PROFI screwdrivers is underpinned by a close cooperation with a German company SKG. The top quality of “PROFI” tools is underpinned by compliance with DIN ISO standards, upon which our whole production is based. These standards guarantee the hardness, toughness and accuracy of the working part of our screwdrivers and chisels.
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The quality of Shinn Fu's products is recognized not only by customers worldwide, but also by international governments and industry agencies including the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Australian Standards (AS). European Conformity (CE), Germany's Technical Inspection Association (TUV), and Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS). Every Shinn Fu product is specifically designed and engineered to not only meet, but to exceed the industry standards set forth by these organizations.
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Bürstenhersteller OSBORN International liefert alle Arten von Drahtbürsten und Technische Bürsten wie Rundbürsten, Topfbürsten, Walzenbürsten und Sonderformen.
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Starting at the job preparation with use of a software program until the carcasses parts are perfectly lipped ready for assembling, all this you can see live in our demo shop. Be at it, when we produce with sawing precision, speed and short transportation distances.
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PARAT Schönenbach GmbH & co. KG, with headquarters in Remscheid, was founded in 1945 by Heinz Schönenbach. The PARAT group of companies at present employs some 800 staff at five sites. The company's activities are not limited to its traditional business area of toolcases and toolbags, also including notebook cases and bags for mobile computer use. Many people do not know that PARAT Schönenbach GmbH & Co. KG, with about 600 employees, is a high-quality automobile industry supplier, producing convertible roofs and deep-drawn plastic parts.
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Patrol Group was established in 1991. For over 20 years we have built a strong Polish brand that successfully competes with global leaders in the production of plastics. The satisfaction of our customers is our most important challenge. From our first days of operation till now, we have organized a team of experienced and creative professionals who in their line of work use modern technology and advanced machinery, in order to keep up with the trends and reach our clients expectations. Thanks to the continuous optimization process of the design, production and sales, we offer solid, ergonomic and aesthetic products at unbeatable prices. To ensure the highest quality of our products, we subject them to constant internal control and external monitoring and certification. The range of the assortment offered is able to satisfy the most demanding customers. Every year, we expand our range with new models that take into account current trends and needs of loyal clients. The company rapidly evolved its business area gaining new foreign markets. Today, the products with the Patrol Group logo are traded on markets across Europe, but also in Australia, Africa and Japan.
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Development and production of tools round the cable, pliers, striking tools and shank chisels
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Оборудование фирмы Robland является, на сегодняшний день, одним из самых востребованных не только в России и в Европе, но и в США. Такая популярность вполне обоснована: вопреки расхожему мнению, что высокопроизводительные профессиональные станки могут быть только дорогостоящими, оборудование Robland представляет собой идеальный пример соотношения цена-качество. Приемлемая цена станков является, прежде всего, результатом продуманной производственной политики компании. Уже много лет компания придерживается стратегии «Упрощение ради Надежности». Надежность — вот главное свойство оборудования Robland, благодаря которому продукция этой фирмы и снискала такое количество поклонников в России, что неудивительно, учитывая нестабильные условия, в которых ведется производство в нашей стране.
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UAB “Rubineta” has been established in 1999 and since then we are only company in The Baltic states that manufactures sanitary faucets. Company’s specialists strictly choose the spare parts suppliers from the world’s best manufacturers to achieve high products quality. Raw materials, production technology, equipment, quality standards – we care about everything. We pay a lots of attention to – materials, their physical parameter and chemical composition, highest standards for production lines and used technologies. From the very first day company “Rubineta” decided to focus on high quality standards and continously improvement. Before we supply our product to customer it has to past many different test procuders. Every piece leave our plant tested - 100%. Our products are well known in the Europe and CIS countries. Our products are described as good quality and competitive price range. UAB “Rubineta” is manufacturer of faucets, high pressure hoses, shower cabins and other sanitary products. Wishing to complete our Customers’ requests in the best possible way we also offer sanitary fittings, ceramics, and other plumbing products. Good quality and prices rate, wide assortment and warranties – this is what we offer to our Customers.
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SDMO designs, manufactures and installs generating sets from 1 to 3300 kVA for its standard range of products, thanks to its high-performance production plant and Research & Development unit. In addition, SDMO puts its engineering expertise into practise by designing tailor-made power plants and offers additional services with high added value: training, after-sales service, spare parts. Whatever the power needed or the purpose of the generating set, a commitment to quality is guaranteed by an ISO 9001 certification, ensuring on-time delivery and high-performance for all products. This technological expertise combined with high-tech manufacturing procedures give SDMO the necessary skills to master the design phase of all products, including those intended for sensitive industries.
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