Предприятие KRAUSE в городе Альсфельд, германской земли Гессен, было основано в 1900 году и имеет уже вековые традиции в области производства и сбыта подъёмных конструкций и сооружений. За это время динамично развивающаяся фирма выросла в признанную на интернациональном рынке международную группу предприятий с промышленными и торговыми филиалами в Польше, Венгрии, России и Швейцарии.

Среди прочего в нашем обширном ассортименте представлены пожарные лестницы, стремянки диэлектрические из стекловолокна, стремянки алюминиевые, деревянные, анодированные, лестницы универсальные и раздвижные, телескопические стремянки, шарнирные лестницы-трансформеры и многое другое.

KRAUSE Tanker Ladder
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KRAUSE Tanker LadderKRAUSE Tanker Ladder
KRAUSE Tanker LadderKRAUSE Tanker Ladder
KRAUSE Tanker LadderKRAUSE Tanker Ladder
KRAUSE Tanker LadderKRAUSE Tanker Ladder

KRAUSE Tanker Ladder

Gain complex heights of tank lorries with ease using the mobile, height-adjustable and free-standing KRAUSE tanker ladder. This tanker ladder is the perfect climbing solution that grants you secure and easy access for operating and control works during loading and unloading processes (e.g. sampling, service, cleaning). Your benefit: Easy height-adjustment and locking. A quick and safe ascendency and an all-round handrail that secures you from falling down. Handrails on both sides of the ladder ensure a safe ascent and descent.

Particularly convenient and effective…

stable, galvanized steel chassis with hand rail for comfortable movement
500 x 900 mm large platform with hand rails on both sides
extendable height-adjustment (adjustment range from step to step-280mm) with minimal effort due to the rack bar and handle
the deeply overhanging platform provides safety while working on the tanker or sil

Extremly safe...

both side hand rail for ascending and descending
large, extended basket railing, round 1500 x 1500 mm or angeled 2300 x 1500 mm
the steps are profiled and welded to the rails for safer ascendency
Self-locking levers which prevents the upper ladder section from accidental slip back
the rack bar accessory may be fixed in one position

Height (total) 5300 mm
Height of the platform 4200 mm
Platform Width 500 мм
Width of the Stabiliser 2000 mm
Serial number Parameters In the storehouse Number Price
KR890009 basket railing round and corrugated aluminium platform 0
By order
KR890016 basket railing round and aluminium grating platform 0
By order
KR890023 basket railing angled and corrugated aluminium platform 0
By order
KR890030 basket railing corrugated and aluminium grating platform 0
By order
This item is in the category Трап для цистерн KRAUSE

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